How To: Start a Fire with Your Water Bottle

How To: Start a Fire with Your Water Bottle

If you're ever lost in a survival situation, here's a little trick you're going to be so glad to know. Normally, we'd think of using water to put OUT a fire, but in this video I show you how I use water to START THEM.If you like survival and fire-making techniques, this video is a MUST SEE! Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
For this project, I'll use 3 sheets of paper and a water bottle. A couple years ago, I discovered I could light a fire with a water bottle. It's hard to explain the climatic gratification that comes from seeing this project burst into flames. I'll remove the label from this little bottle... And use the convex edge as a makeshift magnifying glass to focus the sunlight. It only takes a few seconds to get this paper smoking, and pretty soon I've got it smoldering. Now, I can build that up into a flame and I've got my fire! Haven't see the video yet? You can still see it here!If you like this project perhaps you'll like some of my others. Check them out at

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