How To: Make a light-up frisbee with components from a yo-yo

How To: Make a light-up frisbee with components from a yo-yo
Want to light the skies with your own flying saucer? Here's a quick way to add lights to an ordinary fribee using a cheap light-up yo-yo. It's so easy, anyone can do it. Take an X-Acto knife. On the bottom of the frisbee will be a small indentation directly in the center. Use the X-Acto knife to enlarge this hole to allow the shaft of the yo-yo to fit through the center. The two halves of the yo-yo will come apart easily simply by turning them on the shaft. You can then open up each half with a small screwdriver. Inside will be the circuit board. You'll want to keep the clear plastic inside section and the circuit board from each side. The other side contains the shaft, which you will need to tap out in reverse. Now, take the circuit boards and place them back in the plastic halves. Set one on the top and one on the bottom of the frisbee, centering them on the hole. Now just insert the shaft back through the center and tighten on the bottom. That's it. The centrifugal force caused by throwing the frisbee will make each half light up just like the spinning yo-yo. For a detailed walkthrough of any or all of the above steps, consult the video.

Make a light-up frisbee with components from a yo-yo
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